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'there is no reactor running, must be called from the context of a Tokio 1.x runtime'

Image credit: docs.rs

async api call을 blocking(synchronous call)으로 처리하고 싶다면(제목의 에러가 발생한다면) 아래와 같은 방법을 사용해서 해결을 할 수가 있다. 다만, async->sync call로 바뀌니 app의 동작에 영향을 줄 수 있다는 점도 참고한다.

use tokio::runtime::Runtime;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Create the runtime
    let rt  = Runtime::new()?;

    // Spawn the root task
    rt.block_on(async {
        // your async api call here

소스 출처는 https://docs.rs/tokio/1.11.0/tokio/runtime/index.html


tokio::runtime - Rust

This is supported on crate feature rt only. Expand descriptionThe Tokio runtime. Unlike other Rust programs, asynchronous applications require runtime support. In particular, the following runtime services are necessary: An I/O event loop, called the drive
