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Tauri + Svelte + Material UI (+ Dark theme)


Create tauri app with svelte


Run below command

yarn create tauri-app


And you will see below logs:

yarn create v1.22.10
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
info fsevents@2.1.2: The platform "win32" is incompatible with this module.
info "fsevents@2.1.2" is an optional dependency and failed compatibility check. Excluding it from installation.
info fsevents@1.2.11: The platform "win32" is incompatible with this module.
info "fsevents@1.2.11" is an optional dependency and failed compatibility check. Excluding it from installation.
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
warning "react-scripts > eslint-config-react-app@5.2.0" has incorrect peer dependency "eslint-plugin-flowtype@3.x".
warning "react-scripts > @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin > tsutils@3.17.1" has unmet peer dependency "typescript@>=2.8.0 || >= 3.2.0-dev || >= 3.3.0-dev || >= 3.4.0-dev || >= 3.5.0-dev || >= 3.6.0-dev || >= 3.6.0-beta || >= 3.7.0-dev || >= 3.7.0-beta".
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
success Installed "create-tauri-app@1.0.0-beta.4" with binaries:
      - create-tauri-app
We hope to help you create something special with Tauri!
You will have a choice of one of the UI frameworks supported by the greater web tech community.
This should get you started. See our docs at https://tauri.studio/
If you haven't already, please take a moment to setup your system.
You may find the requirements here: https://tauri.studio/en/docs/getting-started/setup-windows/
Press any key to continue...

Presse any key and set up project as below:

? What is your app name? svelte-on-tauri
? What should the window title be? Svelte on Tauri
? What UI recipe would you like to add? (Use arrow keys)
> Svelte (https://github.com/sveltejs/template)
? Add "@tauri-apps/api" npm package? (Y/n)
? Enable Typescript? (Y/n)


Now it create an tauri app with Svelte template.

When app is created run app with below command:

cd svelte-on-tauri
yarn install
yarn tauri dev

If you see 'HELLO WORLD' in read on a windows app, it runs successfully.


Set up counter UI

Add material ui on svelte using svelte material ui library

yarn add @smui/button

Edit App.svelte to add a button to increase counter

<script lang="ts">
  export let name: string;
  import Button from "@smui/button";

  let counter = 0;
  function handleIncreaseClicked() {

  <h1>Hello {name}!</h1>
    Visit the <a href="https://svelte.dev/tutorial">Svelte tutorial</a> to learn
    how to build Svelte apps.
  <Button on:click={handleIncreaseClicked}>Increase</Button>
  <p>Counter: {counter}</p>


Re-run and you can see the increase button and Counter value.

Set up material theme

Add svelte-material-ui package

yarn add -D svelte-material-ui smui-theme
npx smui-theme template src/theme
yarn build

Edit index.html

<link rel="stylesheet" href="build/smui.css" />

Edit package.json to add below script and re-run

"scripts" {
  "prepare": "smui-theme compile public/build/smui.css -i src/theme"

Run app

yarn tauri dev

Set up dark theme

This is optional.

Edit package.json

"scripts" {
  "prepare": "npm run smui-theme-light && npm run smui-theme-dark",
  "smui-theme-light": "smui-theme compile public/build/smui.css -i src/theme",
  "smui-theme-dark": "smui-theme compile public/build/smui-dark.css -i src/theme/dark"

Edit public/index.html

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/build/smui-dark.css" />

Run added command and run app

yarn smui-theme-dark
yarn tauri dev


The whole source is shared on https://github.com/yeoupooh/svelte-on-tauri.